I am wife and mother who likes to travel and write about food. I have been writing about my food adventures since 2009, initially using a blogspot account. You can check out my old posts on the archives section.
With the advent of vlogging and reels, I still like to write blog posts because writing is something of a passion for me. But I’ve also started posting my food adventures on my Instagram account too.
On this site, I usually feature restaurants and food outlets that have made a good impression on me in terms of food, ambiance and service. Maybe not all three, but at least one that definitely stood out.
But I’m also open to feature restaurants or food outlets I’ve not discovered yet. So if you think you’re worth a feature here, you can contact me through a DM on my Instagram account.
Thank you for following me on my food adventures especially those who have followed me through all these years. I appreciate it very much.
M. A Navarro